Even science is being censored WTF
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Molecular biologist Richard H. Ebright of Rutgers University has been vocal in his view that a large sector of the scientific establishment is strongly motivated to deny any possibility of a lab origin for the virus. He said on Twitter, "For persons who were directly involved in funding, promoting, and/or performing bat coronavirus research and bat coronavirus gain-of-function research at WIV, avoiding a possible finding of culpability for triggering a pandemic is a powerful motivator.> >
Even physics is being censored. Thunderbolts Project.
Blah blah blah blah... Jerks, hey? Everyone should see their feature length stuff, and look at how they predicted Pluto, and just look how they accurately predicted what Arrokoth looked like.
Science progresses one funeral at a time.
The Electric Universe Theory has never been censored.
The "theory" (and I use that word loosely) simply never produced a concrete mathematical model that can be peer reviewed. If the Electric Universe ever rises to a genuine scientific hypothesis, (namely that it make predictions that can be falsified, and it does so in a way at least as good as the existing standard model) it will definitely be published. Physicists are always looking for things that our existing models can not explain. Even something as minor as the g-2 anomaly sent waves of excitement throughout the world. Anything that might give us a new direction is welcomed, not censored. The Electric Universe simply isn't good science.
It is disingenuous to say bad science is equivalent to censorship.
Uh, Velikovsky's textbook is the only textbook ever banned by Scholastic, its distributor.
Do your homework.