During his next speech, just tell the people the truth about his pedo ways, corruption as a Senator, facts about Obama’s past, Benghazi, voting for Iraq war, 9/11, election fraud, etc etc
Then step down and give power to military to conduct a new election.
Let’s be honest... The dem leaders don’t really like him anyway. Both Hillary and Obama hate him. They see Joe as dumb... not Ivy League educated. Kamala obviously hates him. Joe is at the end of his life anyway. What does he have to really lose? One son is dead and the other one probably deserves to be for his crimes.
For Biden to look like he does now compared to his time when he was VP I have serious questions as to it actually being the same person. Have they ever addressed his facial features/ears? I remember hearing people dismiss as possibly plastic surgery but don’t recall any media saying anything about this