Boris Epsteyn questioning photo of Biden at Camp David 🤔
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Funny Boris Epshteyn commenting on hoaxes...
Let's talk about HRC...
"Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30, 2017." (u/#q0 embed does not work)
and the Big Kahuna...
Orson Welles / War Of The Worlds - Radio Broadcast 30 October 1938 /
Complete Broadcast (57 min, 2 sec)
October 30, 1938 to October 30, 2021 = 93 year Delta
Making claim to the longest identified Delta yet.
How do I know?
SCI[F] = F Is For Fake
Mike Lindell Cyber Symposium = Orson Welles War Of The Worlds
I'm not the only one alleging a hoax.
Listen to what Dr. Shiva says about Mike Lindell's election vote totals:
Dr. Shiva / War Room Interview at Lindell's Cyber Symposium on Day 3 / 08/12/2021 (Episode 1167/1168 Part 2 / 7 min 59 sec)
Its about flags... false flags.
Check this out:
Still photo taken from this you tube clip:
Here is the "final scene" from "3 Days of the Cyber Symposium": (watch the flag on big screen)
Watch this clip at 0.25 speed / compare blue of sky in background
The flag is located approximately 9 miles to the southwest of the small municipal airfield just south of Gastonia, N.C. where President Trump held a rally on 21 October 2020.
The flag is just a couple of miles north of the location of The Battle of Kings Mountain.
The Battle of Kings Mountain was a military engagement between Patriot and Loyalist militias in South Carolina during the Southern Campaign of the American Revolutionary War, resulting in a decisive victory for the Patriots. The battle took place on October 7, 1780, 9 miles (14 km) south of the present-day town of Kings Mountain, North Carolina. In what is now rural Cherokee County, South Carolina, the Patriot militia defeated the Loyalist militia commanded by British Major Patrick Ferguson of the 71st Foot. The battle has been described as "the war's largest all-American fight"
But don't let Dr. Shiva fool you.
He's in on it, too.
Here is a link to his presentation at the Cyber Symposium:
09:15 "I had to learn case law. I filed my own law suit. On October 30 we had a
...........hearing in Federal Court."
13:02 "On February 1st, once again I shared those 4 emails, screenshots,
...........once again exposing the state election supervisor of Massachusettes,
...........and within 17 minutes I'm deplatformed."
25:15 "Our lawsuit had evolved from October 30th."
26:20 "Twitter filed a false statement. Because she has to show that Twitter did on their own. You follow what I'm saying, that the government wasn't
...........involved. So she files an affidavit saying 'On February 1st, when we
...........deplatformed Dr. Shiva, we saw his tweet, we had our internal review
...........on February 2nd, on February 3rd we knocked him off after a 3 days
...........of review.' It was total bullshit because I was deplatformed on 17
...........minutes at 9:48 PM on February 1st."
Pull on Q drop 3823 with Time Zone set for ZULU time
3823 // 3+8 = 11 / 2X3 = 6 / 11+6 = 17 17 = Q
Q drop 3823 date/time 02/01/2020 17:48:51 (ZULU)
February 1st / 4 emails / 17 // 1+4=5 Q
"It was total bullshit because I was deplatformed on 17 minutes at 9:48 PM on February 1st."
"on 17 minutes at 9:48 PM on February 1st."
Time of drop 3823 is 17:48:51 PM = 5:48:51 PM
on is the wrong word, that makes on a code marker.
The correct word to use here is "after"
The wrong word is a 2 letter word, the correct word is a 5 letter word.
Q has already indicated a 5 will figure in the coding.
9 / Nine / Nien German sound for "no" - mirror of "on" - no 9 in string - remove.
30 October anniversary of what is quintessentially American hoax. That raises all "red flags." Look for other dates,,, 1 February... check the deltas till a Q drop appears to match... attempt decode. In this case, Q drop 3823 is literally flaged and the numbers can be manipulated to achieve a 17 = Q marker. The rest... well, the rest is just the rest. Pattern recognition. Things that are there, things that are not there, things that have equivalencies ( 9 / Nien // on flips to no). Also... something that sounds as strange as it is to write... you don't solve the puzzle or break the comms code linearly.
When there is specificity in or about a thing, in this instance, the time being given was irrelevant to the narrative (and Dr. Shiva would not naturally waste a breath on something irrelevant), the use of the wrong word, "on" instead of "after", these are red flags for encoding coming from someone as well spoken and as well educated as Dr. Shiva. This is the opposite of the dog that didn't bark... this is a dog that barks too much. A better analogy would be a guitar string that is out of tune. The question always is, is the string out of tune naturally or is the string out of tune unnaturally. You can only know in context. Knowing that the Cyber Symposium was a hoax, an Orson Welles War Of The Worlds... when I heard Dr. Shiva say October 30 I just started to dig. This is not difficult if you know where to dig and what to look for.
Not like that "Hang on, Hang on, Hang on, Hang on, Hang on" Steve Bannon.
He is impossible to decode. Talk about your monkey with a typewriter. There is not an AI alive can crack whatever he is encoding.
Then again... haven't we have heard that "Hold on, Hold on, Hold on, Hold on routine before, too. (2 min, 20 sec)
And who is that sitting across from Brooke... is that, is that... yes it is Boris Epshteyn. Thick as thieves this bunch.
What's the best hidden Easter egg yet.
You're going to love it!
Note for our foreign ESL readers:
In “The Adventure of Silver Blaze”, one of Arthur Conan Doyle’s most popular stories, Sherlock Holmes cracks the case of the missing race horse and the murdered trainer by noting that the guard dog did NOT bark on the night in question, revealing that the criminal must have been well known to the dog.
The absence of a signal can be just as informative as its presence.
Some interesting events that have occurred on Oct 30th