posted ago by GDZeus ago by GDZeus +18 / -0

There have been a few Walmart's in my state that have closed for cleaning. We have about 4 or 5 I believe just in my County. Link to duck duck go search on all the different areas of where the stores were closing for cleaning. I thought it was just in our area but it seems to be in others as well.


On a side note, have to tell you about this lady my husband & I had a conversation with today, well it was mostly her talking...

Spoke to a teacher today that said a student had c-19 (I almost asked her how she knew it was c-19, but I bit my tongue), she was soooo worried and upset that she might get it. She was like "I'm fully vaxxinated and I have to worry about my momma getting sick" (and staff & kids have to wear masks again at school). Instead I said it's ok it's just the flu, lol.... she ignored me and kept on talking.

Then she says that she knew 2 people who recently died from c-19 and they were fully vaxxed too. She really couldn't comprehend why that was. Again I bit my tongue from asking if they died from the vaxx or the virus. I was trying to be nice because my husband was there and didn't want to embarrass him, and the lady was so distraught about it, plus didn't want to prolong this discussion. Lord if she every found out that neither my hubby or I aren't vaxxed (or ever will be) she probably would have freaked out that she was even talking to us.

Told her what vitamins to take and she was like yes I takes vitamins everyday (not paying any attention to the exact ones I was talking about). It's so amazing that as she said it all out loud, she Still didn't put two and two together! You better bet she will be looking forward to those boosters (eye roll).

Oh and almost forgot to mention that this lady was also going on about how she doesn't even go shopping at the stores, she orders her groceries & has them delivered, then she proceeds to wipe everything down (all packages of products) before putting them away. She also sprays their shoes with Lysol and puts them outside in the sun.

Good Flipping Grief Charlie Brown ... Wake Up You Brainwashed Zombie Sheep!