Essentially in australia, it appears that doctors are being threatened by a medical regulatory agency (which is run by politicans with no medical related ability) that if they speak out about harm risks from vaccines, or lockdown measures, or masks or anything, they will lose their jobs.”
Same thing in Canada. Our so-called Minister of Health (Federal) is trained as a Computer Designer, and is one of the stupidest (and evil) POS I have ever seen. So, is our “Chief Doctor” (Federal), who has a lllooooonnnnngggg list of corruption behind her/him. Our provincial ones aren’t any better. The Regulatory Colleges are issuing threats right, left and centre for anyone not towing the company line. I feel you, Aussies.
Same thing in Canada. Our so-called Minister of Health (Federal) is trained as a Computer Designer, and is one of the stupidest (and evil) POS I have ever seen. So, is our “Chief Doctor” (Federal), who has a lllooooonnnnngggg list of corruption behind her/him. Our provincial ones aren’t any better. The Regulatory Colleges are issuing threats right, left and centre for anyone not towing the company line. I feel you, Aussies.