posted ago by Mr_House ago by Mr_House +17 / -2

Regarding Josh Merritt, an interesting development has occurred on telegram.

The following text was originally posted by Professor David Clement, regarding Josh Merritt - the post is now deleted. https://t.me/theprofessorsrecord/1945

It was later "forwarded" by Lin Wood, the telegram equivalent of 'retweeting' so to speak. That post too is now gone: https://t.me/linwoodspeakstruth/4746

The only verification that the post was ever made, is on an account that seemingly "mirrors" every post made by Lin Wood - forwarding block removed, thus attributing all to the account itself as original poster: https://t.me/LinWoodChannel/4584

Those words are the following:

The enemy seeks to destroy those that speak truth.

Joshua Merritt is being destroyed by the SNAKE news media.

Use your discernment.

Joshua Merritt was instrumental in avoiding traps set by the enemy at the Cyber Symposium.

This angered the enemy.

The enemy lies.

History will remember Joshua Merritt as the selfless American patriot I know him to be.

P.S. - Brian Cates is a deep state hack.

The above, as stated - was originally posted by David Clement, @theprofessorsrecord as of Aug 12 at 21:05 now deleted.

It was "forwarded" by @linwoodspeakstruth as of Aug 12 at 21:14 now deleted.

It was finally "mirrored" by @LinWoodChannel as of Aug 12 at 21:22, and still exists as of this post: https://t.me/LinWoodChannel/4584

So. Josh Merritt, originally referred to as "instrumental in avoiding traps set by the enemy at the Cyber Symposium," is now to be identified as a plant?

My question is - why was the original post deleted with no clarifying addition released by Professor Clement?

Are we now recognizing Josh Merritt as a plant?

I am not satisfied with the claim that "history will remember Joshua Merritt as the selfless American patriot I know him to be," simply evaporating into thin air, with absolutely no context afterward, while he is now being referred to as a traitor.

Apparently, I now must screenshot all "telegram" posts from people I believe I can "trust" at this point, because they will be deleted without explanation. I find this very unsatisfactory. If you are wrong - own up to it.

When I say a single word, I stake myself to it. My word, thanks to Professor Clement, now bleeds me - because I took his post at face value. Now, that post has been removed.

I do not know what is "true," or what is "false," at this point, regarding Joshua Merritt. I do not know if those telegram posts were deleted as part of a larger operation to bait the [DS] into continuing to use Joshua Merritt as a feeder of false information to [DS] or us. In short, I know not whether he is a "good guy" or a "bad guy" anymore.

As I said before - I am not satisfied regarding this situation.