Is the Military still in the control of Trump and the Patriots?
Personally, at this point I'm starting to think the Afghanistan Government was a CIA-owned hellhole and the Taliban are justified in taking it back from Globalists. What's worse? CIA-owned Government (a la North Korea) or Taliban Sharia Law?
Thus far, the Taliban's statements don't seem too openly hostile, so I've reset my "these here are the bad guys" meter to zero for the moment.
Either way, whether or not Trump and the Patriots are pulling off a band aide, running out of the room, and them blaming it on Biden and the Cabal or Biden did factually just hand an entire country over to an extremist group to restart Middle East conflicts, I'm neutral with the events currently transpiring.
It is strange though, just up and leaving like that and giving the Taliban all our top-tier tech. Eh, what?
Something else is going on here.
If Trump and the Patriots did just set Biden up for failure, I'm inclined to believe his arrangements with the Taliban were prep for this week's events. That the MSM is holding NOTHING back to lambast the Taliban as super-violent savages who are beheading everyone despite not showing any video or pictures of said violent acts is bizarre.
Anyway... I'm gonna continue to hold my tongue on whether or not the Taliban or the Afghanistan Shell of a Government are the bad guys here.
If you really want to go down some rabbit holes, I wouldn't be surprised if Putin's boys are in charge of the takeover. Everyone assumes the trigger-disciplined boys in the photo ops are CIA trained... What if they are Rusky trained? All according to plan? Or am I in fantasy land here?
With Iraq I know from talking to priests who use to live there that under Saddam things were good for Orthodox Christians, he was very fond of them and kept some of the worse Muslim sects at bay from hurting them and even though he was a terrible person there was someone worse he was keeping at bay.
I am a firm believer that America never had any business sticking their nose in the Middle East business. We never were the police of the world, so I don't know why we tried.
In regards to Christian missionaries it really irritates me when I hear of all these "missionaries" going to Africa like they are godless people, no they are just disrupting their natural culture and worship of God. There was a Protestant movement in Egypt that took people away from the Coptic Orthodox Church to their weird heretical beliefs, you also have Ethiopia which is an Orthodox country and as of recent years under Islamic control and severe persecution, you also have Eritrea which is another Orthodox country that Prots went poking their nose around in and you have people turned away from the Church in favor of again heretical beliefs. India and Syria both have Orthodox communities and really Arabs/Muslims have done a lot of damage in terms of crushing that Christian culture in Syria. I could probably go on and on about my issues with these "missionaries".
Something to note in regards to Egypt and its Arab control the only reason it is that way is thanks to the Greeks, when the Greeks and the Copts had that falling out because of the Council of Chalcedon in 451 AD they persecuted the Copts, the Roman Catholics also had a hand in the persecution as well so the Copts thought that it would be better to live under persecution of the Muslims than the Greeks and let them into Egypt. Literally the entire Arab invasion could have been prevented if the Greeks and the Copts never had a falling out because it weakened the Church so much that the Muslims were able to stomp all over.