Check out a baking soda paste application, and also look into iodine lugols but topical (you can use a cue tip to apply it). It’ll kill anything it touches.
The hives part is interesting, sounds like there is some underlying general issue as well. It’s an entire journey this self healing thing.
You're on to something and are on path, really good stuff.
You listed a whole bunch of symptoms that are a mix of parasitic, bacterial and fungal... essentially pathogenic issues. Also, don't rule out dormant viral infections you've had in the past such as EBV, etc. And yes, parasites do travel, bastards.
Here are some other stuff to look into (not to overwhelm) and could complete your vision/picture... just consider these ideas from some frog on the internets...
Probiotics -- are great, I suggest cycling them if not already, maybe every 30 days... cycle out for a new type. The market is flooded with all sorts of products, so you'll have to see what works best for you.
Prebiotics -- most people forget this, but your beneficial gut bacteria also need this. I highly suggest going for the raw fruits (which is the most beneficial btw). So next time head on over to your local grocery store, get a green organic banana, and just eat 1/3 of that. It is filling, but it is good for you. Either way, lots of options out there.
Humic and Fulvic Acid -- this is basically compost; very powerful stuff. I prefer the product to be both humic and fulvic. (not just fulvic).
Foot Baths w/ Magnesium Chloride flakes and Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) -- this is very good for you. 90-100F water, no more than that. Your calluses will go away.
Magnesium Chloride + DMSO solution -- if adventurous look into this, DMSO will carry anything right into your cell walls. mag chloride is anti pathogenic.
How often do you sweat? -- look into deep saunas, to get a good sweat going on. Your skin issues may also be an issue with elimination blockage in your skin. Your skin = largest organ you have.
... many more, but as you say focus on a few things at a time and control the variables.
Check out a baking soda paste application, and also look into iodine lugols but topical (you can use a cue tip to apply it). It’ll kill anything it touches.
The hives part is interesting, sounds like there is some underlying general issue as well. It’s an entire journey this self healing thing.
You're on to something and are on path, really good stuff.
You listed a whole bunch of symptoms that are a mix of parasitic, bacterial and fungal... essentially pathogenic issues. Also, don't rule out dormant viral infections you've had in the past such as EBV, etc. And yes, parasites do travel, bastards.
Here are some other stuff to look into (not to overwhelm) and could complete your vision/picture... just consider these ideas from some frog on the internets...
Probiotics -- are great, I suggest cycling them if not already, maybe every 30 days... cycle out for a new type. The market is flooded with all sorts of products, so you'll have to see what works best for you.
Prebiotics -- most people forget this, but your beneficial gut bacteria also need this. I highly suggest going for the raw fruits (which is the most beneficial btw). So next time head on over to your local grocery store, get a green organic banana, and just eat 1/3 of that. It is filling, but it is good for you. Either way, lots of options out there.
Humic and Fulvic Acid -- this is basically compost; very powerful stuff. I prefer the product to be both humic and fulvic. (not just fulvic).
Foot Baths w/ Magnesium Chloride flakes and Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) -- this is very good for you. 90-100F water, no more than that. Your calluses will go away.
Magnesium Chloride + DMSO solution -- if adventurous look into this, DMSO will carry anything right into your cell walls. mag chloride is anti pathogenic.
How often do you sweat? -- look into deep saunas, to get a good sweat going on. Your skin issues may also be an issue with elimination blockage in your skin. Your skin = largest organ you have.
... many more, but as you say focus on a few things at a time and control the variables.