Did you know that Fluoride was a “Rat Poison” before they started adding it to your Water and Toothpaste?
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Oh that's BS. The gov just cares about my teeth.
Bwaahaaa. I almost didn't get that out before I fell apart.
It keeps us docile & controlled. Hardens the pineal which is one of the biggest secrets of our body. Why were we never told about this amazing lil gland if's it's no big deal ?
With what u know now in 2021 do u understand why they always drilled into your brain " DRINK 8 GLASSES OF WATER A DAY " our whole lives ?
The pineal is the " Seat of Our Soul". Also called our 3rd eye or Eye of God. It is referred to as " The Master Conductor of the physiology of the mind and body".
If our thoughts create our reality then u can see why it is under attack.
Ask yourself out of all things they could have chosen why is the biggest statue at the Vatican a fkn pinecone ? BECAUSE THEY KNOW.
This is PART of why actors do the 1 eye symbol. They know too.
The pineal gets calcified ( hardened ) over years of abuse. HCQ also is known as a Decalcifier. This is also maybe why the dick state freaked out when Trump mentioned HCQ. Better pineal = better thinkers.
In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.
We are being deprived of one of our most valued assets - " Our Spiritual Life ".