All the generals are not this incompetent.
The great replacement with the open southern border, and now 30,000 refugees from Afghanistan? Look at Germany after the refugees from Syria. This was all part of Biden’s/Soros’ plan.
China is strengthened, America is weakened....caucasians are replaced.
Oh, your Congressman (tiny chance it might help) but the Green New Deal infrastructure will be voted on next week.....then the election audits... 202-224-3121 “GOP” switchboard
Afghanistan is a shameful distraction.
Why is every liberal suddenly using that phrase?
China will not occupy Afghanistan....they will strip mine it for minerals and their one bridge, one road ...
I dunno, lol. The phrase has been out there long before we ever went there to do soldier stuff.
And that's just it - it's hard to occupy, so better to befriend the regime and get what you want that way.
We could keep troops there. But for how long? And why? So China doesn't rape the land for the rare earths that we want? That's a good reason TBH. But the hole region is pain in the ass, and Afghanistan is the hemorrhoid.