It is orchestrated, but have faith my friend. It’s getting ugly fast but who’s side do you think God is on? The side promoting freedom and praying for goodness around the planet, or the side trying to enslave each and every one of us?
We’ve already won this war, even though it may not seem like it. For all we know, The battle may soon be at our doorstep, and we need all our good current and former military here to help us fight it. Keep faith!
It is orchestrated, but have faith my friend. It’s getting ugly fast but who’s side do you think God is on? The side promoting freedom and praying for goodness around the planet, or the side trying to enslave each and every one of us?
We’ve already won this war, even though it may not seem like it. For all we know, The battle may soon be at our doorstep, and we need all our good current and former military here to help us fight it. Keep faith!
God , if there is one, owes us nothing.