After listening to Trump on Hannity tonight I came away with the belief that he is no way coming back as President. And he looked like hell! He look defeated as well as angry. Something has changed.
I know we have all lived under the belief that the audits would put him back in charge.
Not only was I deflated by his interview, but it came on top of reading that one of the Military in the Space Force was forced to leave the Military because he spoke out about Marxism.
This, frankly, forced me to ask - ''If Trump is in charge of the Military, this Military person would not be forced out for his remarks against Marxism."
So now I have to ask, not just myself, but I must ask GOD....have we all been led down a path of not what is truth, but what we all wanted to believe?
Even my two glasses of wine has not been able to lift my spirits.
Hope I don't get bounced from the platform for sharing my feelings.
I think this forum should be a place where, when you are feeling down, you can state your concerns respectfully. This is a tough road we're on. There have been days where I swore I was going to give up, and sadly I have friends who have given up. They didn't join the enemy, they've just shut themselves out and went back to the XBox...but spiritual defeat is a real thing and we need to be there for ourselves and our brothers and sisters out there experiencing this every day along with us. We don't all crash at the same times, we hit frustrations at different time always.
I'm glad to see this thread stickied. Please try not to apply the 'Doomer' label so quickly. Realize that sometimes it's a plea for help, or a simple lack of understanding. Respond with kindness, love, and light, and always try and throw in a dash of humor. Until recently, I've mostly lurked here. When I've hit low points, I've been afraid to reach out because tbh, some of you on here are simply brutal. Most of you aren't, but you know what I'm saying.
I sincerely hope I am here to lift someone's spirits someday, and I certainly hope you all can do the same for me the next time I feel overwhelmed and ready to throw in the towel.