posted ago by DrMcCoy ago by DrMcCoy +60 / -0

So the criminals have moved from face slashing to hachet attacks. https://www.bitchute.com/video/C8IiTEgzxfBe/

Breaking News: De Blasio’s plan to give a grand a month to violent offenders is insane By: NY Post, August 16, 2021:

In July 2020, following the ­George Floyd riots, Mayor de Blasio disbanded the NYPD’s anti-crime unit, which led to a sharp rise in murders and shootings across Gotham. In response, Hizzoner called a news conference in Harlem in which he vowed to address crime’s “root causes.”

No one quite knew what he meant — until now. It turns out the solution is handing out cash to gun thugs.

Through an outfit called ­“Advance Peace,” the city will offer a stipend of $1,000 per month (“transformational opportunities”) to “young men ­involved in lethal firearm ­offenses,” at the same time pairing them with “neighborhood-change agents” — (older ex-cons)“credible messengers, meaning they bring life experience, conflict-mediation and mentorship skills to the target population.” https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/nyc-democrat-mayor-de-blasio-plans-to-give-1000-of-your-money-to-violent-criminals/