That boy belongs back in Austria, home to some of the very worst Nazis. The Fuehrer himself was Austrian. The sadistic Kommandant in Schindler's List was Austrian. Of the ten criminals who kicked their last on the Nuremberg gallows, two were Austrian. They had thoroughly earned their disproportionate share of inhuman guilt.
And guess what? Those Nazis started out talking just like Arnold. "Screw your Freedom!!"
Get out of our Country then
That boy belongs back in Austria, home to some of the very worst Nazis. The Fuehrer himself was Austrian. The sadistic Kommandant in Schindler's List was Austrian. Of the ten criminals who kicked their last on the Nuremberg gallows, two were Austrian. They had thoroughly earned their disproportionate share of inhuman guilt.
And guess what? Those Nazis started out talking just like Arnold. "Screw your Freedom!!"