I've been seeing far too much of that on this board. Yes, we don't know the full picture, I have a lot of questions as well and I too am confused. But to resort to the nonsense blackpilled theory that he's "in on it" and part of the deep state is simply retarded backwards thinking. Don't you realize if he was part of the DS the whole time that he could have simply walked off into the sunset and been done by now? Why is he still talking about audits and how terrible Biden is and hyping up how he could be reinstated soon? Trump's a good actor but I don't think anyone could play a triple agent that convincingly, and this is too convoluted even for ((them)). If we're really going to speculate about him being evil I will point one thing out.... look at his children. Don Jr., Eric, and Barron. They're very good kids, an evil man would NOT have been able to raise one good kid let alone three (not a fan of Ivanka but regardless). You can follow the wives and children of any deep state black hat actor and they're all tainted as can be, but I don't see any evil in Donny's family.
Last spring he did tell us that he had to make the toughest decision in his life, but that the alternative would have led to more people dying. That very well could have been alluding to Operation Warp Speed. We just don't know yet. Stop pinning everything on him... he's literally got the weight of the entire world on his shoulders. Saving America/the world has got to be the hardest thing anyone has ever done or ever will do, and he's not resting until he finishes what he started years ago with this movement. He is no black hat in my eyes.
Aaaaaand... he's gone.
I gave him 4 days to see if he comes back with anything more entertaining.
It's like they think we're stupid.
"I'm not a shill just because I disagree" yet he proceeds to cite CNN and wikipedia as sources to push a retarded narrative to destroy morale. These people really are thick. We can all see how much they're panicking.