I've been commenting on how I see things unfolding and wanted to put these thoughts together in case it's useful for anyone!
First, there are two frameworks to help reframe what's happening...
There are three general categories or stages of awareness in this war:
- Asleep - These folks need the vaccine, economic crisis, and Afghanistan to wake up.
- Awake - These folks are in panic mode over the election, school boards, and widespread corruption. They are the foot soldiers.
- Aware - These folks know about Q and the greater conspiracy at varying levels, they are engaged in building the infrastructure of the great awakening.
It appears that the Great Awakening is a real plan with different stages with their own priorities and action steps.
- Data
- Infrastructure
- Action?
First of all, Trump being evil doesn't make sense. We know they have been rigging elections for DECADES. They have control over EVERY county. They could have EASILY installed Hillary without military intervention (military is the only way). Why would they install Trump, re-moralize everyone, wake us up with Q, and disrupt their timeline to the point where we live in clown world? Why not just install Hillary and deal the death blow nice and slow?
But, I'm seeing that this fear is really in relation to the vaccine and more recently the events in Afghanistan. These appear to be the biggest points of fear or stress within the community right now. So let's address them within the context of the framework provided above.
I understand why people are worried about this, such as this post: https://greatawakening.win/p/12jwCyb9CL/trump-take-the-vaccine--you-want/
The Q+ psyop had been my #1 concern this entire time and his support for the vaccine is the #1 problem I've had to face.
Let's use the framework to help break this down. We know the vaccine designed specifically to wake normies up. That's it's role. It's a PSYCHOLOGICAL WEAPON for people with low level awareness. It's meant to be quite harsh and jarring, because that's what people at that level need.
In the recent Hannity interview, Trump said the vaccine was one of greatest accomplishments, right behind energy independence. But he didn't specify why.
On this board, we have enough perspective to see that he may actually be referring to the military operation Warp Speed and not the vaccine itself.
We already know the original plan was to keep us locked down for 2-3 years. This would have destroyed small businesses, led to a massive wave of suicide, and utterly demoralized the population. That was a kill shot - which is what China said when the released us into the "Might Sea of Coronavirus." But it didn't happen that way.
Think about the vaccine as the 80/20 principle in action. Most people believe vaccines are good. Despite its adverse effects, the reality is it's killing a very small percent of people. There are lots of doomsday theories, but we don't know the reality other than it's sketchy at best. Contrast this to the benefits of allowing people to get a vaccine or two, then being told to wear a mask and go back into lock down. We're talking about a low percentage death/injury rate vs a great awakening. Yes, it sucks, but this is war. There will be casualties.
Here's some more posts on the vaccine:
- https://greatawakening.win/p/12jcvXFonI/theory-vaccines-will-be-the-boom/
- https://greatawakening.win/p/12jd0DvccX/i-figured-out-why-trump-is-pushi/
Instead of this being a slow death, the military forced them to release the vaccine way ahead of schedule. They are now releasing their plan so far ahead of schedule that it's almost comical to watch. Instead of demoralizing our countrymen, it's waking them up.
This is the real purpose of operation WARP SPEED!
Trump is good. The vaccine is highly effective in its role within this puzzle. Trust the plan. We're winning.
I won't say much about this as it's too early. But let me point out a couple things...
First, when has the media told us the truth?
Second, hasn't January 6th shown us their capability in terms of crisis actors, staged events, and media propaganda?
Third, we've all heard the saying, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."
Fourth, this is one of the biggest red pill I've ever seen. I didn't see this coming. Who knows what else is coming?
Fifth, we can be upset about this, but don't forget the overall context of everything else that's happening. The stolen election was bad, but it woke people up. COVID and vaccines are bad, but they woke people up. Afghanistan is bad, but... See a pattern?
Remember that this is the Great Awakening. We're in WW3, it uses 4th/5th generational warfare, and ultimately it's about mind control vs conscious awareness.
Q has mentioned "transparency" as the only way 10:1 vs the "military" as the only way. Awakening is the greatest weapon and their greatest fear.
Who knows...seriously. This is a wild ride.
That said, I believe the cyber symposium was an public announcement to anyone who was paying close attention to the underlying messaging.
The enemy appears to have laid a trap with a poison pill.
This was countered by the Red Team, which is military. It appears that they were running a psyop on the enemy the whole time. They promised a bunch up front, gave everybody a taste, then pulled their punch to flush informants.
It also seemed like a way to flush informants. Dr Frank basically said this at 11:30-11:45
This also makes me believe that we are for a much longer fight here. I might be wrong, but who knows...
The symposium seems to be the grand conclusion to the DATA phase of this operation, which was started with Q and the autists.
It appears we are entering into the INFRASTRUCTURE phase.
Dr. Frank talked about how at first they just had to find who to work with. There are only a couple legislators per state who are activated. They needed to identify their "early adopters" we're actually the super moms.
But now they understand their initial entry points in terms of disseminating this information. Next, it seems like they will be equipping these folks with education and guidelines. Basically training them to be effective in their role of early adopters.
This is the beginning of building a grassroots infrastructure that can't be censored or shut down. We'll have an information pipeline as well a peer pressure to start changing normies who just want to fit in.
What this says to me is that we are in this for the long haul. There won't be a military intervention until the population as a whole is begging for it.
Think about how many people are just becoming aware that something is a little off. We're a long way away from that 3-4% of lost souls. I'd say it's still well upwards of 50%.
Like my parents are pretty based, but my mom said she couldn't even imagine Trump coming back into office. Honestly, I can't either. It's not ready. Nobody would trust it yet, it would cause civil war because the media would go insane. I mean, people are still getting vaccines over Delta. We have a lot of work to do.
In business, we have something called product-market fit. This is where the business explodes. But you can only do that when the product gets so good that people are literally trying to find you and sign up. It's that "cool" factor.
We aren't cool yet. We can see early adopters getting on board, are on track. But we have yet to reach product-market fit.
Great post and well thought out. Now prepare for the idiot patrol to come in here and rip on you. I wish that this forum was more of this !!
Thanks for taking the time. Especially on the Afg debacle. Your right the media has NEVER told us the truth. So why start now. Even my dad who is BAF who quit watching fox news after the election has been sending me all sorts of MSM clips of what's happening over there. It's like they are drawing him back in. I keep reminding him that until I get boots on the ground I just can't trust anything the MSM produces. . My mind is wide open to any possibility. Even if I think I know, I can't take it as gospel, yet.
As for now get involved locally and fight for what directly affects you and your family. The rest will sort itself out somehow, and someday we will find out the truth.