Okay Anons time to dig in. Is NESARA/GESARA a poor man’s dream, and a new “money shell game” for a new Cabal? We need to figure this out at some point as We Do Know the Cabal has stolen untold Trillions over the decades world wide. And when they’re all arrested, that money WILL be confiscated as with any money laundering arrest. So then, what happens to it? NESARA/GESARA explains debt will be wiped and everyone will get a piece.
But people on different Patriot sites and even here, call it a poor man’s dream. Well then whom gets control of all of it? It doesn’t just magically vanish into the Gigabytes of data! It’s mostly all accounted for. I know much will be used to bring forth new technology and health care, but it won’t cost it all that they’ve stolen from each of us dead or alive, young or old. So if it doesn’t go back to the people, is it a Shell gamed to a new, more generous Cabal that “baby sits” it for humanity? That doesn’t sound right per Trump/White Hat Ideals, and the law of NESARA/GESARA. Makes it sound like a new Shell game by another Cabal, if it’s not going back to the people?
I mean per the legislation that instituted The Plan, The Storm, and WWG1WGA, shouldn’t NESARA/GESARA as it says be upheld? So flame me, tease me, or put some logic out here. But it’s going to keep coming up. And we are the people to at least get a good public handle on what should hopefully take place.
Think about it this way: if in fact there is a Cabal who is constantly stealing and leaching off of the public, then it stands to reason that if that Cabal were removed, the leaching would stop. While I think Nesara/Gesara might be stretching and reaching a good deal, I think most of us would be satisfied with simply not being stolen from anymore.
Yes, true. But it does not answer the question of what happens to the tax dollars that were directly laundered from you, your children, parents, grandparents, that The Cabal took and dumped into their own interest earning accounts to grow it only for themselves, not for the government only per say. So, again, whom should get control of OUR money if it is everyone’s? The banks? The Stock Market? Crypto? Uncle Sam? Because if you’re choosing any of these to have 100% control, then why did we bust the Cabal in the first place?! Think about it! Stealing from Paul to pay Peter or Shell Game from one “Evil Cabal” to “Trump’s not so greedy Cabal”? Come on guys!! It can’t be this stupid right?
I don't think so, and I also don't think we're going to be getting big fat checks. It seems like a lot of that money will be used in public works and projects.
I do see your point however, I just can't see it happening exactly they way you or I might think of as "fair"
I guess we'll just have to wait and see. COVID and Election first, then the Pedos, then the Satanists. Then I think we'll be in a better position to talk about Gesara
Ryan192 you get a bro-hug today!! Agreed. But maybe we should put this one under the heat lamp, so it doesn’t get cold though. It’ll become evermore the economic question soon.
:) Yes, keep bringing it up, it needs to be discussed!
Things that are too good to be true usually are. This is a very utopian idea. If it hinges on all the "stolen" money though, it hinges on an enormous amount of paper, sometimes not even paper but pledges to produce paper that have - ? - behind them. Nothing.
Was the White Hats/Trump’s plan to good to be true?! Yes it is. But it’s actually happening in Real Time!! So there is not just paper but physical gold, silver, other precious metals snd gems, and even crypto all hoarded by the Cabal. It’s all going to be confiscated. So what happens to it all? Because even the We The People loyal White Hats that are damn good accountants will want to know. Just calling it like it is…
Are you aware of what happens to most lottery winners? Do you think there might be any risk associated with letting loose funds of that magnitude upon a populace who has only ever known a 9-5? Do you think that Trump is aware of these facts and has a plan.
Yes, yes, and yes. But if it was stolen from all of us, Trump himself said: If a thief is caught stealing diamonds, he doesn’t get to keep them. He MUST give them back!
So then what is the plan with all of it? Because it rightfully does not belong to any singular government. It in actual fact is funds stolen from businesses and the people. Is it right that Uncle Sam dictates to you how to spend your money regardless of how much it is? No! Of course not. So that’s the thing we must sort out for the populous. Because again, this is truly going to come up in a big way in thee not so distant future.
Don’t play word games darn it! YOU know what I meant because you’re correcting me. Now solve the actual problem hahaha. Come on.
From what I've heard about Nesara/Gesara, it's seems simplistic to me. All debt is not just owed to the evil bankers/cabal. Think pension funds among others. And why should reckless spenders benefit and those that were responsible with their funds not benefit as much? I believe the financial system will be changed/reformed but I can only guess as to what that might look like. Remember that the currency we use today may not even exist in the future (at least not with the same value). Assets will still generally remain (i.e. houses, precious metals, etc.) but I'm not counting on anything in the financial realm remaining. I think the Fed will be gone. Q said gold will destroy the Fed. I also believe that when he spoke about 'not liking the next system if you didn't like this one', he was referring to the financial system. I'm staying out of debt, building non-financial assets and waiting to see what happens.
Good food for thought Czar. Keep it cooking. Together I hope we can all, over the not to distant future, get a handle on how to discern what may happen.
It happens when enough us BELIEVE it will happen. Not a moment sooner.
That's how this reality works...
Wolfy…you may have a real something here, even if you thought you were joking. See, that is a plausible idea at some point.
I prefer to think of it in terms of jubilee... It ties in with correcting the corruption of religion, and with some prophetic ministers. Eliminating all debt will be a good thing. As far as any extra money is concerned, it's too early to count those chickens, not to mention parceling them out. In the end it'll be Trump's call what to do with it, and I'll be content.
What happened to all the gold?
I’m wearing it girl!! Going to OG on it! (What movie is that from?! Haha)
Lol....i don’t know! But I wanna know... ⭐️
Whaaat!?! You’ve never seen I’m Gonna Get You Sucka?! Best Wayne’s Bros movie ever! The comedy show series In Living Color was created from that movie hahaha!
You know what, I have seen that movie… But I am not familiar enough to quote it… Which needs to be remedied