Not really looking at details, just looking at the fact that they could have easily crafted the video we saw, with some editing this would be the same video (clean up this people and add another crowd with green screen or something, people was jumping and smiling, didn't look like a dangerous situation), but still, not claiming it is, just they look kinda suspect
Fake plane, look at windows
Simple....the aircraft landed....people were happy.
Then the aircraft was getting ready to takeoff...people were getting out of the way.
The engines are up high, so the jet exhaust wouldn’t really be affecting anyone not directly behind it.
Not really looking at details, just looking at the fact that they could have easily crafted the video we saw, with some editing this would be the same video (clean up this people and add another crowd with green screen or something, people was jumping and smiling, didn't look like a dangerous situation), but still, not claiming it is, just they look kinda suspect
Could be doctored, but I don’t think it adds anything too narrative.