Amy B
Impact of mandating Covid vaccines for healthcare workers- There will be provider burnout carrying the load during the shortage. More providers will quit. More mistakes will be made and worst case sentinel events Hospitals will undoubtedly go on divert. This does not only involve hospitals but doctors offices. Clinics will have issues with appointments moving slower, return call times and prescription refills will take longer. The ambulance services will be delayed as well with shortages. Two things I want to point out- Healthcare workers have ALWAYS received the suggested vaccines- or signed a declination or exemption. For the most part- we all have our vaccines. We know we are not anti-vax. So why this vaccine? EVERYONE should be asking that question. Secondly, if the hospitals are overwhelmed with patients (all 3 of mine are not) why would you terminate employment for the same staff who has been on the front lines without extra pay, showing up every shift, using the same PPE, wearing the same N95 for 5-12 hour shifts in a row- to be forced to receive this vaccine? I will tell you where I personally lost confidence- when intelligent, trusted, reputable Healthcare providers who are at the bedside of these patients were silenced. Not allowed to question anything, ask for data, or question the science that was guiding the care we provide. Nor was our input asked for- no open forums- NOTHING. That is where I said NO to the vaccine. I have several colleagues and know many providers using alternate treatments that are working. I have been in Healthcare for over 30 years and I am disgusted and at the same time disappointed at the comments I hear from coworkers on the unvaccinated. Recently a co-worker stated- a patient on Covid rule out should get last priority because they are unvaccinated. I have heard about providers turning away unvaccinated patients. What has happened to Healthcare? Is this whom we have become? I don't know about all of you but I got into Healthcare to help people- the sick, elderly, vulnerable and poor. Now providers are turning their backs on patients because they are not vaccinated? My God! For over a year and a half we have heard wear a mask, save lives- then why can't people continue to do so until additional data, transparency, and confidence is built back into Healthcare? I am seeing posts that people don't trust Healthcare anymore. This just breaks my heart. Concerned Provider
Thank you! I know many healthcare workers right now that feel the same way. The push is too strong and the silence is uncomfortable. Red flags everywhere.