Tendie is a reliable voice for truth, but evidently not a reliable voice for... tooth.
Tom Cruise's Misaligned Smilehttps://www.msn.com/en-us/movies/news/the-story-behind-tom-cruises-unique-teeth-and-smile/ar-BB1boi4M
One particular flaw in Tom Cruise's smile that people seem to obsess over is its misalignment. Look closely and you'll notice that his teeth shift off-center. The result? The appearance of a "unitooth" that lines up dead-center with his cupid's bow (it's actually his right front tooth). To make matters worse, it's significantly larger than his other front tooth, which draws attention to the asymmetry.
He has all his teeth, they just arent symmetrical to his nose...
He has plenty of pictures of him smiling. Go count them. I'll bet he has all his adult teeth, just shifted left half a tooth
You are correct.
Tendie is a reliable voice for truth, but evidently not a reliable voice for... tooth.
Tom Cruise's Misaligned Smile https://www.msn.com/en-us/movies/news/the-story-behind-tom-cruises-unique-teeth-and-smile/ar-BB1boi4M One particular flaw in Tom Cruise's smile that people seem to obsess over is its misalignment. Look closely and you'll notice that his teeth shift off-center. The result? The appearance of a "unitooth" that lines up dead-center with his cupid's bow (it's actually his right front tooth). To make matters worse, it's significantly larger than his other front tooth, which draws attention to the asymmetry.