My mother of course will not take the jab. I've recommended to her to talk to one of her higher ups that she trusts explicitly, to ask if she can receive a religious exemption. I would say the chances are slim. This hospital has always been anti-religion and especially anti-Christian, forbidding my mom from openly talking about God to the patients and even the other staff. This started in earnest around the time Obammy took office in 2009. Diabolical forces really took hold when Satanist Obummer got control.
I am not sure if there are any really helpful resources for religious exemption, but if someone has them I'd be happy to look at them. If they refuse her request, she's just going to quietly retire and take the money they owe her. Technically she's been working past the age of retirement for almost a decade now, because she just loves her job and her patients that much, but even she has agreed that it's time to go. The hospital is shadow of what it once was and she refuses to be a part of it any longer.
The health systems are ALL completely corrupt. All they want is money, even at the known risk of losing all of their staff to the effects of the jab in the future. They don't care about the future. All they care about is getting their pleasures NOW. This means money, drugs, and sex.
They do not care about us, and they never have. The only thing we represented to them was a paycheck, that's the only reason they even offered us medical services, because they knew they could charge whatever they wanted and we would HAVE to pay it or else die.
Sounds like it's time to use the principles of the Boston Tea party on the hospital leadership cars. Make them choose between hospital profits and their own personal cars. Maybe they will think twice about these forced mandates.