383 Call to patriots! WE ARE THE NEWS—but we still need "hunter and gatherer" pedes to beat the bushes for top-quality links and breaking information. Also, the mod team is working on special Q-oriented flair that will automatically be added to top contributors! Bring us the goods and it'll be yours! (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by catsfive 3 years ago by catsfive +384 / -1 39 comments download share 39 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
We're trying to prevent that, for sure
gonna buck the trend and start spamming some Real Raw News and Mike Jaco Gitmo comps.
Ssshhhhh.... We don't speak of RRN here, we only read it. I understand why though, as there is no way to verify the information.
The first rule of Fanfiction Club is that you don't talk about it.