Many in our govt worship Satan Q - 3
These people worship Satan _ some openly show it. Q - 10
The wizards and Warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic evil POS control our country. Q - 15
Satan. Who follows? What political leaders worship Satan? Q - 100
Does Satan exist? Does the 'thought' of Satan esist? Who worships Satan? Q - 133
SATAN has left the WH Q - 382 (who is this about?)
I'm really just starting to read the Q posts now. At the moment I am searching and reading about specific terms. This time it was Satan. I found some very interesting little tidbits. Like the mention of the "deep church" Q - 4541, and the mention of Putin being controlled by "3 families" Q - 15 yet in Q - 133 there is mention of Putin and the new world order worshipping Satan. (An interesting article come up with that title-
Q - 4541 is especially interesting. It looks like i will have to do some digging into Carlo Maria Vigano
The greatest trick that Putin ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't worship Satan. (3 min, 53 sec)
He is Orthodox. I'm not saying he is a saint, but he is supporting the re-birth of Christianity in Russia. He's OK. And he and Trump definitely see eye to eye.
The deep state doesn't like him because he is a Nationalist and he kicked out the Bankers.