Many in our govt worship Satan Q - 3
These people worship Satan _ some openly show it. Q - 10
The wizards and Warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic evil POS control our country. Q - 15
Satan. Who follows? What political leaders worship Satan? Q - 100
Does Satan exist? Does the 'thought' of Satan esist? Who worships Satan? Q - 133
SATAN has left the WH Q - 382 (who is this about?)
I'm really just starting to read the Q posts now. At the moment I am searching and reading about specific terms. This time it was Satan. I found some very interesting little tidbits. Like the mention of the "deep church" Q - 4541, and the mention of Putin being controlled by "3 families" Q - 15 yet in Q - 133 there is mention of Putin and the new world order worshipping Satan. (An interesting article come up with that title-
Q - 4541 is especially interesting. It looks like i will have to do some digging into Carlo Maria Vigano
No, there is only one Satan, who fell from heaven because of pride. He had been called Lucifer, but after the fall, Satan, which means the accuser. He hates humans and wants us all dead, and is behind all the evil in this world. He had countless minions who fell from heaven with him in opposition to God. We call them demons. They are allowed to tempt us, and so is Satan, but I am sure most of us do not rate a visit from the Big Cheese himself. He is evil. As are his minions and those who follow him. He likes it when we don't believe he exists. Don't fall into that trap.
So in the book of Job and Satan says that of coarse Job is upright and faithful you have given him everything. Then God allows Satan to mess Jobs life all up. Is that the same Satan as the snake? Did he go back into heaven to talk to God? Where is that in the bible. Is it also the same Satan that offered Jesus everything?
Hate to tell you this, but Satan just means opposer or accuser, there are many of them. God never gave the snake in the garden a name cause he didn't even want him to have that power, it was a slap in the face to the snake. The council of Constantinople took all terms of the bible dealing with demons, devils and satans as more than one being out. It is why the book of Enoch was removed from the bible. By creating the belief that it is all one being we think of him as being more powerful that he really is, but the reality is that all these CNN, CIA, FBI, Biden, Clinton and so on and so on are all Satans to God.
They accuse Trump and us of their crimes while they oppose everything that is good in this world. Does that help?
Edited to say God bless.