#1 (CHINA TOP CCP OFFICIAL) Remember when Steve Bannon was parading around with a top CCP whistle-blower with three CDs supposedly containing all the Chinese COVID plandemic plans, The U.S. collaborators and funding sources, the list of bad actors in D.C., big Tech and Pharma... along with the account numbers used for bribes and pay-offs, U.S. congress blackmail videos used on (Pedos), etc.????
Then later, (in addition) it surfaced that a top CCP high-ranking official had claimed U.S. Asylum with the DIA and divulging all the incriminating evidence... was this the same guy?
If so, or if not, what happened to him (them if two different people)? Was that a fake headshake to throw off the deep state? Or was it real? Anyway, what happened with all that? Has Bannon mentioned him since? The stories seemed so compelling. At the time it sounded like a slam-dunk entry into the game... so WTF happened to all that? The Human Primer <--a bit confused (scratching the old Primer head)
#2 (RUDY AND SYDNEY) Why have Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell apparently dropped off the radar. Where are they and why so quiet?
#3 (Arturi D’elio from LEONARDO SpA in ITALY) Remember this? “Rome, Italy (January 5, 2021) – An employee of the 8th largest global defense contractor, Leonardo SpA, provided a shocking deposition detailing his role in the most elaborate criminal act affecting a US election. Corroborating the DNI Ratcliff’s report of international intrusion, Arturo D’elio outlined the scheme that proved successful in using Leonardo computer systems and military satellites located in Pescara, Italy. Recent reports of a hack at Leonardo now appear to have been an orchestrated cover to mitigate blowback on the corporation which is partially owned by the Italian government.” WTF ever happened with this. Another “smoking gun” that never filed a shot.
#4 (ANTHONY WEINER’s LAPTOP) Lots of rumored evidence was publicized about the so-called “Insurance File Folder” on Weiner’s laptop and seemed (at the time) many people had copies of it (FBI, DOJ, NYC PD, Rudy, etc.) Never been a follow up on this. That is, not one single (official) drop as to what was really found on the laptop. Where is it and what happened to it?
#5 (GINA HASPEL) Remember all the stories about Gina being in Germany and the election data being housed there. Supposedly she was there to oversee the erasing of the data? Even rumors that she was wounded and sent off to Gitmo? There were all sorts of stories about her, her role, white hat etc. Where is she and what happened to her?
#6 (GHISLAINE MAXWELL) We all know she was sitting on tons of blackmail evidence. But hardly a word about her (and her evidence) since Biden took office. How did this become a nothing burger? What the hell is going on with this? We know bombshells are there.
#7 (JOHN DURHAM) Not even a whisper. Not worth discussing until he surfaces. Yet… still lots of curiosity from Anons. Maybe the biggest mystery of all.
Isn't it time we all "circled-back" to find out what happened to these people, their evidence and why it isn't on somebody's top page?
For me this is what I see. If Q "the plan" is what I believe (part of Gods plan) then 2psyop or not 2psyop is irrelevant. It seems its point is for an "Awakening" of the people, sheep, sleeping giant the masses all around the world. We can want it & pray for it & some can even contribute via "red pilling" but at the end of he day like anything else of worth it is a process & often at a snails pace.
There are the "old timer (OG) foil hatters" the 1's that have ALWAYS just known & the rest of us in different "stages" . Some people like myself were led by the grace of God to Trump/Q without understanding any of it. Others came upon by life's direction & their search for truth . They knew what they saw when they saw it. Then everyone else that has gotten a bad taste in their reality stumbled upon an alternative that stuck out.
Its a pattern, loop or to me its like a movie on repeat. It plays over and over and over. Sometimes playing in different locations at differents parts simultaneously in the "background noise" of everyone. Similar to walking past a group & hearing someone mention your hometown some things catch our attention.
It seems to me all has to be exposed but everyone isnt at the same place at the same time. Also some people need more then others. For example I was all in on Q b4 I was all in on Trump however my faith in God Winning allowed me to trust. For others they went back & forth on say Flynn or Giliani prob because of MSM but they needed a bit more.
So theres the things right ALL THE WRONGS. Its not just the infrastructure bill its all those bills w/poison pills setup to enrich themselves thru our tax $. Its not SA or the war in Iraq its all of the lives lost for the benefit of the military IC. Its not just Afghanistan but also Benghazi lso Dunkirk. Not just spygate with Trump or Tucker, Snowden but all of it. Cuomo, Weinstein, Cosby, Epstein, on & on its all of it .
See everyone knows theres problems re: EVERYTHING. The governments, politicians, cooru[tion, 2 tier justice, the justice systems, the policing, big brother, human trafficking, drug smuggling, rights/liberties, abuses, education, medicine, medical, military blah blah blah. But its "their side not ours, that country not this one, not in my home/mytown/my family, this religion, tht school, those tems, that place" anywhere that we are not part of. (CogDis)
If this were enough we wouldn't be were we are now. Sometimes people have to be in it right? Something far away isnt the same as right in front of you. To know groups are starving in another county isn' the same as your children.
I didn't know the 2020 election wasn't "in the bag" so to speak but when Nov 3rd began to "play out" just like the 2018 election same players same plays I was done. I turned off the TV & cried I was sad because it was a sting. I was so certain & even though I was right no one else was gonna know that for who knows how long. However I was also glad because it was sooo very clear that this, this is how everyone get election fraud red pilled. I understood that it had to be like this we are too impatient to have accepted knowing this going in.
Now with Afghanistan all I see is Benghazi. I don't know much anymore I could be my life on, not like I used to. But for me in the beginning when the "not knowing" really bothered me this "loop" of their projection vs Trumps presidency was what comforted me. The "call" or perfect call or the peaceful protest or white supremacist riots their calls to actual violence or the fake hate crimes every time its was basically the same & along the way more gathered & we collected more believers. Now its the same only His Presidency vs the usurpers, his sons image vs the hunted, his military vs this attempt at a defenseless merica. Then step back more & more & for me its different but the same & along the way we gather.
I want answers too. I want justice I want the people to see & stand but everyday more and more gather w/or without. Timing is everything. if any of your questioned were answered even before yesterday we all around the world are not yet where we must be & it would have been wasted.
I thought 2018 the election fraud that I knew of was wasted information passed up on that had lost any power to revil. I was wrong 2020 showed me 2018 was not wasted & 2020 will do the same.
I'm sorry thi is was long & esp since I didn't answer anything. I just wanted to share why for me not knowing is ok. I know God wins & when I need encouragement that we are still in the plan all I need do is look at this pattern the movie & I have no fear.
Only spirituality will save this world. Have faith.