I did want to come up with a good headline to make you read this :)
I have been thinking about this a lot. This is just an opinion here.
As a black guy. I wanted to know what is the REAL reason that white men are under attack.
One of the subjects that I love personally is accounting lol.
Accounting is boring for a lot of folks. But I have come to love it.
One of the prize accounting statements is a "balance sheet". For those of you who don't understand a balance sheet.
Basically companies use it to know "what they own" and "who do the owe money to". So basically "Assets = Liablities + Equity".
One of the prize assets are "Fixed Assets". Which are long term assets like "Land, Building, Equipment, etc".
Things like owing personal property is YOUR asset. Owning a house is an asset that makes you free. After you pay it off of course.
If you think about our financial system of the Federal Reserve. Since the federal reserve loans our country money.
On there balance sheet.
They most likely will an asset account called "Accounts Payable" plus an "Interest Revenue (Earnings) Account" as well.
We pay them back via taxes.
Since the federal reserve is a "private bank". It will be in their nature to buy up other assets to add to their balance sheet.
What I am thinking here. And this is just an opinion.
Is that the white man who believes in personal property ownership. These bankers will HATE that.
It's the bankers who want you to give up your property rights. So they can buy your property and add it to their balance sheet.
In my view. This is the reason for why the media spends time shaming white men. This is funded and pushed by RICH BANKERS tied into the federal reserve banking system.
Not all.. but black men are going to not understand the finance part of this. That's due to the past for sure. Finance management is not a major cultural thing for black folks. I want to change that.
I could be all wrong about this. Just a random thought I had.
If I was you. I would repeat this over and over again to normies.
I'm a bit of a finance nerd and used to volunteer for an organization called Junior Achievement years ago and it seems right up your alley. We would spend a day teaching financial literacy to kids especially in lower-income areas. One of the major issues that we have is that we do not teach kids in schools how capitalism works. You typically only learn this from parents, peers, youtube, or mentors. Of course, the wealthier families will have a jump start on this. You should check it out! I taught 2nd and 3rd graders, but I believe they go all the way up to 12th grade.
Will check it out!