10% of people were wearing masks 2 days ago at the grocery store and today it's up to 60%. A lot of local stores have put up signs requiring masks again.
Guess they've ramped up the covid panic to cover Afghanistan and the Arizona Audit reports.
10% of people were wearing masks 2 days ago at the grocery store and today it's up to 60%. A lot of local stores have put up signs requiring masks again.
Guess they've ramped up the covid panic to cover Afghanistan and the Arizona Audit reports.
I'm a former lefty myself and take it from me, they're playing you. Don't you remember the War on Terror? It's the same playbook.
"Invisible enemies lurk among us! We need to wiretap you without a warrant for your own good! If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear! Give up all your rights now!"
The left did a pretty good job seeing through the War on Terror bs and accurately critiqued the complete removal of our rights under the Patriot Act. Won't you stand up for your rights again now? What is it about this "invisible enemy" that makes you so eager to hand over everything you are entitled to as an American citizen?
What evidence have you seen? What are your sources? Are you relying on the same special interest funded mainstream media that trotted out the 24 hour fear porn during the whole course of the Bush administration? The same media that misled Americans about WMDs?
Leftists are generally well educated. You know what hegemony is. You know what soft power is. You probably learned some Foucault in college. Have you encountered his theory of Biopower?