Try malicious compliance. Get a full-face spandex hood and use it as your mask. You can see through it, but not incredibly well. Raise it from time to time, and if you like, mutter "I can't see shit in this thing. Why do we have to wear them?"
You can also hand out flyers like I did last year. I printed up the CDC pdf that says "do not use facemasks" and then printed a bunch of stuff from this resource on the back. I gave one to everyone I could.
Glad to hear it. I got at least one laugh with the hood and I opened some eyes with the flyer. Good luck. I'm in a red state, but the governer acts like a Democrat, so I worry that I'm going to be in your situation soon. Keep up the good fight.
Try malicious compliance. Get a full-face spandex hood and use it as your mask. You can see through it, but not incredibly well. Raise it from time to time, and if you like, mutter "I can't see shit in this thing. Why do we have to wear them?"
You can also hand out flyers like I did last year. I printed up the CDC pdf that says "do not use facemasks" and then printed a bunch of stuff from this resource on the back. I gave one to everyone I could.
Glad to hear it. I got at least one laugh with the hood and I opened some eyes with the flyer. Good luck. I'm in a red state, but the governer acts like a Democrat, so I worry that I'm going to be in your situation soon. Keep up the good fight.