It's taken by weight, and the horse paste tubes are marked so that you can measure out the dosage by weight. Take daily for cure, twice weekly for prophylactic is what I've read.
And get some budesonide nasal spray, nicotine lozenges, Vitamin D, C and zinc. I also read zinc is good for hair loss, I was shedding a lot after I had the Kung flu. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to your friend.
Have to take 50 mg zinc daily, while using ivermectin, it gets the Ivermectin into the cells to kill virus. MUST have food in the tummy to take the zinc. Also vite D3, tablets, 8000 units per day. These are very very important for immune system. Even asshole Fauci admitted about the D3
Didn't seen anyone say this. But the 1.87% horse ivermectin typically is measured out at 2mg/kg.
Protocol says 2mg/kg is good for prophylaxis, but if you already have covid you do the 4-6mg/kg. Ex: for a 180 pound guy, do 360-500 lbs on the horse ivermectin measurer.
And like others said, make sure you're doing the Zinc / Vitamin D as well.
It's taken by weight, and the horse paste tubes are marked so that you can measure out the dosage by weight. Take daily for cure, twice weekly for prophylactic is what I've read.
Much appreciated! And get some budesonide nasal spray, nicotine lozenges, Vitamin D, C and zinc. I also read zinc is good for hair loss, I was shedding a lot after I had the Kung flu. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to your friend.
👍🏻 TY
Have to take 50 mg zinc daily, while using ivermectin, it gets the Ivermectin into the cells to kill virus. MUST have food in the tummy to take the zinc. Also vite D3, tablets, 8000 units per day. These are very very important for immune system. Even asshole Fauci admitted about the D3
Didn't seen anyone say this. But the 1.87% horse ivermectin typically is measured out at 2mg/kg.
Protocol says 2mg/kg is good for prophylaxis, but if you already have covid you do the 4-6mg/kg. Ex: for a 180 pound guy, do 360-500 lbs on the horse ivermectin measurer.
And like others said, make sure you're doing the Zinc / Vitamin D as well.
Thank you all! Much appreciated! 🙏