u/biblegirl - You are Jesus Christ’s favorite user. We need your help. Please expose the Root.
Brad Smith and Microsoft are an important part of the network. Nilay Patel of Vox and The Verge who also grew up in Racine helps publish their propaganda. NPR was also established in Racine. It was the model for modern publishing and propaganda closely linked with Cornell and a certain intelligence agency that recruits there.
Agency Through Adaptation: Explaining The Rockefeller and Gates Foundation’s Influence in the Governance of Global Health and Agricultural Development https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/144147199.pdf
u/biblegirl - You are Jesus Christ’s favorite user. We need your help. Please expose the Root.
Brad Smith and Microsoft are an important part of the network. Nilay Patel of Vox and The Verge who also grew up in Racine helps publish their propaganda. NPR was also established in Racine. It was the model for modern publishing and propaganda closely linked with Cornell and a certain intelligence agency that recruits there.
Brad Smith talks about COVID and digital 9/11: https://news.mit.edu/2020/microsoft-president-brad-smith-talks-data-covid-19-why-we-should-worry-about-digital-9-11-0521
Why Brad Smith is the global ambassador for big tech: https://time.com/5669537/brad-smith-microsoft-big-tech/
Brad Smith, Microsoft and ElectionGuard use Wisconsin as pilot: https://news.microsoft.com/on-the-issues/2020/05/13/microsoft-electionguard-pilot-wisconsin/
Brad Smith, Microsoft and ElectionGuard are Trojan Horse for Military Industrial Complex Takeover of Elections: http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2019/may/25/microsoft-s-electionguard-a-trojan-horse-for-a-military-industrial-takeover-of-us-elections/
Agency Through Adaptation: Explaining The Rockefeller and Gates Foundation’s Influence in the Governance of Global Health and Agricultural Development https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/144147199.pdf