Compressed eating window … only eat during a six hour window, the rest of the time the body is healing. I have heard that anytime you eat it creates an inflammation response in the body
Knock on wood, but I feel like I’ll never get sick again. I should have mentioned I cut all sugar intake by 70-90% as well. I am starting to think “getting sick” may not be what we have been told our whole lives.
Compressed eating window … only eat during a six hour window, the rest of the time the body is healing. I have heard that anytime you eat it creates an inflammation response in the body
yes fasting heals
I began at the start of Fauxdemic. All my arthritic and joint pain is gone, feel better than ever.
Knock on wood, but I feel like I’ll never get sick again. I should have mentioned I cut all sugar intake by 70-90% as well. I am starting to think “getting sick” may not be what we have been told our whole lives.