Two points:
Trump keeps pushing and advertising the vaccine
Trump is not speaking out against the tyranny that is occurring to force people to take it. Not one word about the military being forced to take the vaccine. Not a word about companies forcing people to take it. It's being shoved down our throats. Not a comment from Trump.
Trump may not be the guy we thought he was. An independent thinker would have to conclude that Trump is a depopulationist like other billioniares and powerful people.
After all, the Q story is that Trump is a part of a secretive group of powerful people with a secretive 'plan'. They may be opposing the Deep State, but who is to say that all of their plans are 100% ethical and all exactly fall in line with what we want?
I think Trump did the greatest things for our nation in generations, arguably more than Reagan.
I would like to believe that there is some serious 3-D chess playing going on and grim as it is, it was all part of the plan. In the future big pharma will be taken down because of this and Afghanistan was white hats tricking the fooler in chief into making himself look like the idiot puppet he is.
But ... even if that is all true, the implications of the white hats allowing this level of criminality and the needless loss of human life makes me sick.
My pessimism says, the audits will come to nothing, the voting is rigged forever more, vax mandates and other tyrannies will continue until we see the book of Revelations fulfilled. Which is quite grim from humanity's perspective.