I'm having a hell of a time getting anything. 32oz jars are unavailable at walmart. my frys and safeway dont carry them. I've read everywhere to ask baking depts for frosting pails but have had no luck...
I've been looking at getting some 5 gallon pails but those suckers are expensive shipped. I go through beans and rice like crazy so I wouldn't mind having a couple hundred pounds of them around
Anyone have any frugal tips?
Thanks Frens
The key to success is keeping it airtight as much as possible. There is a pet item called a Vittles Vault, e.g. https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/gamma-vittles-vault-plus-966509 which come in a variety of sizes, are stackable, watertight, airtight, bugproof and mouse proof, and a much better grade of plastic than the buckets. However, whenever you open your 25# container, whatever it is, you are letting most of it be exposed to air so the airtight feature becomes pointless. And O2 absorbers would not be workable. Get aluminized mylar bags, absorbers, an iron or curling iron to seal the bags, and divvy your food. Then it's good for years. Store in vittle vault or bucket. Glass is best though. If you aren't pressure canning them, you can use any empty jar with a tight lid, and the absorbers.