I've been watching Afghanistan for a week now like everyone else. German/British/French forces all are out saving their people. Ours aren't. Now our "govt" is using commercial airliners to do the military's job.
My only conclusion is that the Biden Admin does not have power over the military like we've suspected all along. We have been saying this for months and proving it. This is proof to the world. He can't get the Air Force to bring planes in, he can't get Spec Ops to save our citizens. He doesn't have the power or authority.
What more proof do you want than watching for a week the Biden Admin try to figure out how to fix Afghanistan and they only thing they can come up with is a NON military solution.
Well this theory leaves us with a second and even larger problem.
Why the fuck doesn't the person who does have control over the military get our US citizens out?
Either way it's a dereliction of duty not to protect US citizens either domestically or abroad, and especially abroad if our military gave them a need to be there.
If Biden is in charge, then this all makes sense. He's barely functioning in a cognitive sense, and probably takes half the morning deciding what he wants for breakfast after they change his diaper.
If Trump is in charge, then there's literally no excuse for C-17's full of Afghans to be arriving in the US while American citizens can't even get through Taliban checkpoints to get to the airport.
You don't get it both ways.
Still trust MSM, I see.
I agree