Tru dat, all I want is for other people to get their noses out of my business.
I'm a private citizen. I live in the middle of nowhere and interact with others when I need to (or even more rarely, want to).
I recognise that whilst I may drop the odd red pill on someone to see how they react, I have no moral authority to make them do what I think is right. I lead by example if I lead at all, but it's totally their choice.
This includes my family. I've stopped redpilling (scaring) my mother in return for not repeating rubbish off the TV at me. It's a workaround, but I do worry about her health now that she's been vaxxed.
Having said that, my mother is 70-odd going on 16 and lives more in a month than I do in a year,she's living her best life so who the hell am I to criticise her?
Tru dat, all I want is for other people to get their noses out of my business.
I'm a private citizen. I live in the middle of nowhere and interact with others when I need to (or even more rarely, want to).
I recognise that whilst I may drop the odd red pill on someone to see how they react, I have no moral authority to make them do what I think is right. I lead by example if I lead at all, but it's totally their choice.
This includes my family. I've stopped redpilling (scaring) my mother in return for not repeating rubbish off the TV at me. It's a workaround, but I do worry about her health now that she's been vaxxed.
Having said that, my mother is 70-odd going on 16 and lives more in a month than I do in a year,she's living her best life so who the hell am I to criticise her?