The mandates are not only affecting the financial security of their ex-employees but it is also affecting the quality of care for their patients.
Diagnostic scans are not being done, people are going to die as a result.
I know some brain surgeries rely on active MRI scans to guide the surgeons scalpel, I guess many surgeries will be placed on hold indefinitely.
I would assume their nurses are quitting also. The nurse to patient ratio will be increased, your safety as a patient will be compromised.
I assume the nurse shortage will be backfilled with vaccinated nurses. If your nurse took the vaccine, I would question their intelligence. If they were stupid enough to inject the poison in to their own bodies, do you want them caring for yours?
If you are a patient in the Henry Ford system, I suggest you think twice about going there for your health care. If they don't give a shit about their employees, do you think they give a shit about you?
Getting medical staff to quit when hostipals are supposedly overflowing? Genius
Not overflowing...but lack of open beds... There has to be a certain amount of staff to serve patient units by law. If a 1000 bed facility has 50% of their staff call in or quit, they are now a 500 bed facility with 500 unopen beds. Folks think open beds means filled does not.
You're 100% correct.
My facility laid off a ton of nurses last year (when we sat around doing nothing) and now cannot hire to re-open a satellite facility for inpatients.