Oh my gosh, this is all an incredible set up. I can't even gather my many thoughts well enough to articulate what I think is going on but it feels like the plan is accelerating and I don't think it's Q's plan. We are in trouble.
There is massive power struggle going on. Afghanistan is a shit show on purpose, maybe as a tool to remove Biden, maybe a distraction, maybe some other reason. I can't quite put my finger on it but my intuitive side is telling to be on guard.
Yes Afghanistan is most definitely a shit show and 100 percent on purpose. Here is how I see it. Who installed the "democracy" in Afghanistan? Bush/obama. That leads me to believe what actually was being installed was a globalist/commie/satanic government. Nothing makes sense...our military left weapons for the Taliban? Biden wants to use civilian air craft to extract Americans? Maybe...just maybe our military left those weapons for the Taliban to fight the globalists that have been installed in there country and maybe...just maybe biden has no control over our military. Just a theory. There is so much we dont know or understand. Keep your head up!
Oh my gosh, this is all an incredible set up. I can't even gather my many thoughts well enough to articulate what I think is going on but it feels like the plan is accelerating and I don't think it's Q's plan. We are in trouble.
What makes you say that?
There is massive power struggle going on. Afghanistan is a shit show on purpose, maybe as a tool to remove Biden, maybe a distraction, maybe some other reason. I can't quite put my finger on it but my intuitive side is telling to be on guard.
Yes Afghanistan is most definitely a shit show and 100 percent on purpose. Here is how I see it. Who installed the "democracy" in Afghanistan? Bush/obama. That leads me to believe what actually was being installed was a globalist/commie/satanic government. Nothing makes sense...our military left weapons for the Taliban? Biden wants to use civilian air craft to extract Americans? Maybe...just maybe our military left those weapons for the Taliban to fight the globalists that have been installed in there country and maybe...just maybe biden has no control over our military. Just a theory. There is so much we dont know or understand. Keep your head up!
that sounds like a good theory. What sets my spidey senses going is the commercial aircraft.