Imagine this: your life amounts to nothing. You don't hold a job of prestige. You aren't very smart. You have a job where you have zero authority and are made to take orders from everybody. All your friends and associates have surpassed you. Even your children don't want to spend more time with you that is necessary in order to save face as you aren't somebody interesting or honestly worth being around.
You have been silenced. Now imagine you have been granted a tool that allows you to be heard. This tool is a bullhorn, and you surround yourself with millions like you. It so loud it is able to destroy and humiliate the sort of people who "kept you down" all your life... without facing any social repercussions because you appear to be on the winning side.
Do you think these plebs would do anything else with that power? That is what is going on.
Imagine this: your life amounts to nothing. You don't hold a job of prestige. You aren't very smart. You have a job where you have zero authority and are made to take orders from everybody. All your friends and associates have surpassed you. Even your children don't want to spend more time with you that is necessary in order to save face as you aren't somebody interesting or honestly worth being around.
You have been silenced. Now imagine you have been granted a tool that allows you to be heard. This tool is a bullhorn, and you surround yourself with millions like you. It so loud it is able to destroy and humiliate the sort of people who "kept you down" all your life... without facing any social repercussions because you appear to be on the winning side.
Do you think these plebs would do anything else with that power? That is what is going on.