The narrative sieves through their blood-stained hands daily.
"One of our pharmacies has 8 females in it that all believed the MSM until today!!!! Thanks for the Ivermectin horse smear you just gave, MSM ... they all know it's a human drug & been giving it for lice for years - they're asking me questions now about what else you lie about."
This is true! And “weather alert days” make it sound scary.
And most of the time nothing happens.
This. I've come to learn, "Weather Alert" simply means I should move my patio furniture to the shed or ill be walking in the field to fetch it later or using 4 Wheel drive.
Once a year or so ill toss the chainsaw in the Jeep and use that and the winch to clear a fallen tree on a road way.
I get a different weather alert every day. “Heat Advisory”, yeah no shit. It’s August and I live in Texas. There are only two possible weather scenarios, hot without rain and slightly less hot with rain.