posted ago by sleepydude ago by sleepydude +62 / -3

Here's the theory:

Afghanistan, from its inception, has been a CIA front for human trafficking through China, poppy (heroin) production, and a staging ground for perpetuating Middle Eastern conflict.

Russia attempted to use the Taliban's predecessors to set up the same system. The CIA beat them to the punch and installed the Mujahideen instead.

In summary, the entire government of Afghanistan is a shell corporation for an international black market run by the CIA.

Reconcile. Why don't the military there have any devotion, despite 18 years of training and dedication? Because they know the truth. They know it is all a lie. You wouldn't die for the mafia when they finally get dragged out, would you? No, you'd cut ties and burn all evidence you were involved.

Jump to today, and the current "botched" exit strategy.

Biden's Administration had it all set up to complete the evacuation, hand the country over to the Taliban (now Chinese controlled) and provide them with arms and armaments for a future occupation where China provides rare earth minerals harvested from Afghanistan and Biden ensures all US fossil fuels are taxed into extinction, crippling the economy irreparably.

That WAS the plan.

Incoming, Xi Jinping with the early sabotage.


Xi sped up the plan on his end, probably by a whole month, and shat all over Biden's plans to make it look competent despite the ultimate outcome of the Taliban taking over.

Xi intentionally demolished the Biden Administration and uncovered the whole plot.


Maybe he's a Whitehat who made arrangements with Trump and Putin? That's still to be determined. What we can safely conclude from old Soros' call for his head, is that Xi just severed all ties with the Globalist Cabal. He is flying on his own now, and in the process successfully swept the rug out from under the Resident in Cheat. He probably is also fighting internally with the CCP, considering he has been consolidating power from them since Trump got in.

Don't forget, SOMEONE is pelting the hell out of China with flood water to disrupt their infrastructure and dams. If the Patriots are responsible for the flooding, Xi might feel despondent on account of the Cabal's inability to prevent it. That might be ample motive, short of a "Xi is a Whitehat" scenario, to screw over the Cabal and put China First.

So, why does that lead me to not care about those left in Afghanistan?

Because the majority of them are likely CIA informants, wise guys, and made men. I have little sympathy for them. Most knew what they signed up for. And if they didn't, they've had no excuse not to find out. I'm excluding Military men who tour there, at least the lower ranks. They are likely unaware of the blatantly fraudulent government they've been protecting as they have had no reason to look over the shoulders of the pencil pushers in charge.

However, I am aware there are just some simple office workers who may or may not have been involved. I continue to pray for them and all Christians caught in the cross-fire.

So much more is going on than we know... I'm less tired now than I am sickened by what I'm learning.