Hello fellow Americans,
Saturday I was in a protest in Nantes in France. I was in front of the procession, then I stopped and waited to be at the back before resuming walking. It took 25 minutes for this to happen. The day after, our local newspapers claimed we were only 3000 people, which is totally ridiculous, we were AT LEAST 30 000. Meanwhile they announced that 175 000 people in France protested, and I know someone in the police close to the "ministère de l'intérieur" (in charge of the police), who told me that the real number was around 3.5 millions (over a population of 67 millions). It means that the MSM are not lying a bit, they are making up a parallel world. I am a french dude who doesn't use the MSM to know what is going on in the USA, and I would just like to advise you not to trust the MSM from ANY country. The protests in France are huge and are getting bigger every week. I saw that with my own eyes.
Mercí, frère abraxas.
Video is not always possible, but if you create or discovery real video to demonstrate that, it would be awesome. Better to live life than to document it, but aerial drone footage or time-lapse phone footage would prove the case.
But I'll take your word for it. MSM is asshoe. And total fiction. Also, spoke with a French lady over here in the states a few days ago who told me the same thing.
I could not find it right now, but Trump did a rally a few days ago, and the capacity was 50 000 people. Just in Nantes, we could have filled at least half of that. I went to a soccer stadium with a capacity of 20 000 people and I know for sure we could have filled it. So this is a visual estimate. I'm gonna search for a video of the entire protest crowd but I cannot make any promise. The point is the number given by the MSM is not even one tenth of the real number, AT LEAST. And I am conservative. What is mind blowing is not that they lie, we expect that, it is by how much. It's like saying that Biden is the most popular president ever. This is like saying I've got the biggest dick ever given to a man. Who believes that ?
Posting is good info. Firsthand reports are awesome even without photos. In some ways they are better because photos are also faked. And the quality fakes are mostly faked by the MSM. Got the message on lies, big lies, and agenda fiction.
And kek for the ever given reference.
Did you take video? If not do consider taking video then posting. You can do this anonymously as well.
Yea I’m with you — never trust the MSM.
And those numbers are impressive!