I know why we say don't quit, and to let them fire you, but my wife, who is a nurse, will lose her pension if she is fired, and won't be able to be re-hired at the same hospital system, should she decide to go back someday.
She feels more comfortable quitting now, and taking a couple of months off to survey the landscape of everything happening in the world, and I support her in this decision.
My question to all of you, other than the obvious opt out of fighting back with the law in the future, what are some drawbacks that we may be missing?
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Sure is interesting how well we can be controlled by the financial systems we all opt to be part of. I wonder how much support pedes would still give you if you told them your wife was injecting people with the jab. They flip out on cops who want to protect their pension. Just a thought.
I saw a post yesterday where someone admitted to jabbing people, and it wasn't received well. That's not what she does though. She's in the Cath Lab, saving people with bad hearts.