733 This doctor understands and is aware of the incentives for the V*X push.. keep getting this info out .. many folks in my area are frustrated, open and ready to wake up !!!💥💥 (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by Oldpatriot 3 years ago by Oldpatriot +734 / -1 99 comments download share 99 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Her choice. Were it me I would refuse and make them fire me.
Is Vax Needed = No
Is Vax Safe = No
Is Vax Effective = No
The very fact that they insist I take the Vax even though data and available evidence supports the above, would steel my resolve.
I've said it all. She is willing to take the chance. Tried everything I know how. I think she just thinks I'm crazy lmao
I'm convinced it's just the way their minds are wired. Group acceptance means too much to them.
Hope not.
Steel, sorry. Sleep is an issue.
Is this a pandemic? No. And never was. They have skewed the numbers to the point all the statistics are complete nonsense with this bullshit pcr test and by lumping the flu in with it.
Totally agree.