posted ago by bubble_bursts ago by bubble_bursts +44 / -0

This friend had been awake to some extent since the time Hussein pushed Geitner as his treasury secretary. I had red pilled him, but after Jan 20th, he got completely black pilled. A couple months later he told me he is taking the vaccine because he is really scared of Covid and he doesn't want to hear anything as he can see the suffering all around him.

Since then I don't bring up vaccine with him. Today he forwarded me an article in the fringes of mainstream, that gently touched on how Vaccine efficacy might not really be 97% and how it might not be as safe as they think.

He then told me that 3 of his friends have had adverse effects (didnt go into it) and many have gotten sick and tested positive (sounded like this was his second redpill).

He then told me that he knew all along that he could not trust the narrative, but had to make a hard choice between the two things he wasnt sure of (Covid vs Vaccine)

Finally he said that he hopes the side effects are not too harsh for atleast next 5-10 years so he can at least enjoy a little bit more life.