If there is one message to hold in your hearts today, it's this; treat the word "autistic" as nothing more than motivation. Relish the opportunity to be autistic, because it's the autistic who change the world, and make a real and lasting difference. The more that a broken system tells the autistic they are wrong, the more certain you should be that you must keep being autistic, you must keep pushing forward.
- Donald J. Trump
AYE! God bless the autists!
almost, replace autistic with outsider
I don; t belief he said autistic, he said outlier or something. But autists are outlier. Autists have a special gift. Ambiguity is something they have a hard time with, it does not come easy.
So the question: will you give me ... means exactly that to an autist, as you are inquiring about his will.
The question: can I ask you question, also means exactly that: the capacity or ability to aks something. The answer might be yes, but do not be surprised to see the autist walking away to do something else or say: you just did. And if an autist is a bit more social he will say: thanks.
The honesty and simplicity is refreshing and actually correct. Social expectations are usually that was causes problems.