posted ago by BoomerNuc ago by BoomerNuc +275 / -0

Took a stand at work. Ventura County is mandating everyone regardless of vax status that you must wear a mask at work at all times. Told employer I will not follow these mandates and I will be working from home. Provided in writing the AFLD Mask Letter. Reached out to Thomas Renz @ Renz Law with the following: (Blocked out names for now. May share depending on actions)

"It has been brought to my attention that you are an attorney who could aid in either defending me or point me to a lawyer in my area to assist me in battling these mandates.

I was refused entry into my employers building to work. The company has been mandated by Ventura County Public Health, that all employees and visitors are required to wear masks in the facility regardless of vaccination status. I have attached the emails that the company sent out which also contains additional attachments.

Upon entering the building to report to work today, I was told of this mandate. I then told the screener, who is HR-EHS Manager, that I will not wear the mask. That I am not sick, I am healthy and ready to work. He told me that if I do not wear a mask, he cannot let me into the facility. That if he allowed me in, Ventura County could close the business. I told him that they are not directing by science, they are dictating through fear. That these are not laws and dictators forcing the people to give up their rights for the common flu.

I then pulled out the attached letter, Mask Letter – Work, which I got from Frontline Doctors and modified it, dated and signed the letter and presented to him. I stressed to him to read it all and to take note of the references made. He said ok and reiterated to me that I still cannot enter the building.

Upon that, I emailed my Director and Manager, and informed them that I will be working from home. I also had a conference call with my manager later at 9:00 AM where after talking about work, we talked about the incident with me trying to get into the building to work. He commented that he has not been notified by anyone from management personnel of this.

I feel my employer will use this to fire me from my job and will use it to show others what happens when you refuse to follow directions.

I strongly believe that this is the line that cannot be crossed. That mandating to wear a mask is the first step in the process to mandating the vaccine (Poison Jab) and then other mandates. Once you give in, the wall of resistance starts to fall and the enemy wins.

As I began this letter, I am looking for a lawyer who will help with my defense in this.

You council and any direction or assistance you can provide is greatly appreciated.

Very Truly Yours,"

Looking to hear back from his office and see where this will go.

I have had eough of all these lies and strong arm, bully tactics. We know they are lying but no one is standing up. Even a friend who works with me wrote this and sent a link:

"I was wondering where you were since you were right behind me on the way into the building. Yes, I think this mask mandate is pretty much worthless too but I am too chicken to take a stand.

Cloth, surgical masks only 10% effective against COVID-19: study"


Stand up and fight back or die where you lay.