Bullshit. Every leftist in this country goes ape shit when you disagree with their prescribed world view. Even after they stole an election...err sorry installed thier puppets.....oops sorry elected their candidate, they still had to try and impeach President Trump. That is the measure of every leftist Karens lunacy. And dont tell me you werent cheering right along that. Get that Bad Orange Man. Ignore all evidence to the contrary and push your bullshit through.
Bullshit. Every leftist in this country goes ape shit when you disagree with their prescribed world view. Even after they stole an election...err sorry installed thier puppets.....oops sorry elected their candidate, they still had to try and impeach President Trump. That is the measure of every leftist Karens lunacy. And dont tell me you werent cheering right along that. Get that Bad Orange Man. Ignore all evidence to the contrary and push your bullshit through.
So Fuck off shill. You add nothing.
Except the fact that I'm a leftist who isn't going apeshit when confronted with disagreement about my worldview. I wouldn't be here otherwise.
The fact that you are even here belies that statement.