I see what you mean. On the other hand, 'why did I do that' is a question, and one can stop after the question, do no further analysis, and never reach a state of understanding about the truth of one's actions.
Yes. But to be fair the 1 in 500 chance is of a bad reaction, not death. Maybe 50% of the bad reactions are fairly minor complaints. But a sizable fraction is very serious bad reactions which might not result in death but result in a permanent injury that you will have to deal with the rest of your lives.
I know 4 people who got the clot shot, and 3 of them had what might be called minor complaints (pain in arm for a week, flu like reaction, exhausted and unable to work for a few days). The 4th hasn't commented on their reaction, so maybe they had no reaction, or maybe they just haven't discussed it.
'Bad reaction' is a debatable term, but the figure for minor reactions is way higher than 1 in 500. In my admittedly small circle it's at least 3 in 4.
Also, there's also the issue of ADE. Short term reactions to the clot shot aren't the only thing to be concerned about. There's also the long term damage it causes to the immune system.
I agree. The vaccine is bad news. ADE is pretty scary. Everyone I care about is vaccinated. As problems show up there will be an attempt to blame the un-vaccinated.
Chances of a bad reaction are 1 in 500, which is the same thing as saying there is a 0.2% risk.
I don't like Jesse's response. Her son is in the hospital. She's been lied to by everybody she trusted.
Remember that all the 'trusted voices' are saying it is 'safe and effective', when it is obvious that it is neither.
To ridicule Meli is not helpful. Remember, the enemy is trying to make us into villains.
Good point, but maybe Jesse was trying to break through Meli's fog with a gut punch. Nothing else has seemed to work.
Sometimes a rhetorical slap in the face is in order.
But Meli had already seen through the fog if you read what she wrote.
I see what you mean. On the other hand, 'why did I do that' is a question, and one can stop after the question, do no further analysis, and never reach a state of understanding about the truth of one's actions.
If your chances of dying in an airplane crash were 1 in 500... we would have 10 major airplane crashes each day. Nobody would fly.
Yes. But to be fair the 1 in 500 chance is of a bad reaction, not death. Maybe 50% of the bad reactions are fairly minor complaints. But a sizable fraction is very serious bad reactions which might not result in death but result in a permanent injury that you will have to deal with the rest of your lives.
I know 4 people who got the clot shot, and 3 of them had what might be called minor complaints (pain in arm for a week, flu like reaction, exhausted and unable to work for a few days). The 4th hasn't commented on their reaction, so maybe they had no reaction, or maybe they just haven't discussed it.
'Bad reaction' is a debatable term, but the figure for minor reactions is way higher than 1 in 500. In my admittedly small circle it's at least 3 in 4.
Also, there's also the issue of ADE. Short term reactions to the clot shot aren't the only thing to be concerned about. There's also the long term damage it causes to the immune system.
I agree. The vaccine is bad news. ADE is pretty scary. Everyone I care about is vaccinated. As problems show up there will be an attempt to blame the un-vaccinated.