Tragic and hard hitting but maaan I can't updoot this one, it hits too close. I got kids. I would never vaccinate them, but then again I have been somehow blessed by God to have been awakened years before this time. The thought of one of my children in that heart fucking shreds man. It is ripped apart just even thinking about it.
There but by the Grace of God go I.
And to be honest, we need to not always equate the scared and confused sheeple (which many of us once were) with the beliigerent communist nazi demanding you mask up and show your papers. They're not always the same person.
Tragic and hard hitting but maaan I can't updoot this one, it hits too close. I got kids. I would never vaccinate them, but then again I have been somehow blessed by God to have been awakened years before this time. The thought of one of my children in that heart fucking shreds man. It is ripped apart just even thinking about it.
There but by the Grace of God go I.
And to be honest, we need to not always equate the scared and confused sheeple (which many of us once were) with the beliigerent communist nazi demanding you mask up and show your papers. They're not always the same person.