At least you have a Congressman. Mine quit after we elected him and left us with no representation while all of these huge bills are rammed through. There are no coincidences!! I will never forget this cowardice.
I wrote my 3rd or 4th scathing letter to my Senator after he sent an email out bragging about his involvement in the Infrastructure bill. He isn't running again so I guess that 'frees' him to do anything he's told by his betters? Disgusting Rino scum.
At least you have a Congressman. Mine quit after we elected him and left us with no representation while all of these huge bills are rammed through. There are no coincidences!! I will never forget this cowardice.
I hear you on this ours are corrupt so writing to them is like skating on ice and hitting the ground not really going to help at all.
I wrote my 3rd or 4th scathing letter to my Senator after he sent an email out bragging about his involvement in the Infrastructure bill. He isn't running again so I guess that 'frees' him to do anything he's told by his betters? Disgusting Rino scum.